Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wait, who are you again?

When your 15 mins are up, here's where you go.

If the picture above doesn't jog your memory, that is the infamous "Joe the Plumber," the guy who was name-dropped ad nauseum during the last presidential debate.

Although the media found out that almost everything about Samuel J. Wurzelbacher ("Joe"'s real name) was a lie, apparently he still thinks he matters. And unfortunately so does Glenn Beck.

Wurzelbacher told Beck that he almost abandoned John McCain on the campaign trail because he co-signed the $700 billion bailout.

I was angry," Wurzelbacher told Beck. "In fact, I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him."

I'm sure McCain would have cried if he didn't have your support "Joe."

Alot of good it did him anyways.

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