Friday, January 30, 2009

The Week in a Flash

Me and Ty have been gettin ready for the Super Bowl this week like most men, so let me catch you up on what's been going on in the world.

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was unanimously impeached by the state Senate on Thursday. He went on the morning show circuit this week to plead his case to the public, but he probably should have saved some of that money and bought a Snuggie.

Obama got his big stimulus package through taxpayers are on the hook for another $819 billion dollars. Or maybe everybody in Congress will get part time jobs at Starbucks to pay it off, that's what thousands of college kids across the country do to pay off their debts.

On the Super Bowl, I got Pittsburgh, I can't stand Arizona because they slept through the last month of the season.

I leave you with some Miller High Life ads that didn't make the cut for the game on Sunday.

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