Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breaking News: Obama's VP Will Be a Man.

Today is a prime example of the problem with the 24-hour news cycle.

Reuters and other news outlets are actually running with the news that Obama referred to his still-unnamed VP as a "he" during a speech in North Carolina.

Hillary Clinton was the only viable female candidate in the first place, and seeing as she is already scheduled to speak a different day during the DNC, she was ruled out by simple logic.

With this knowledge, the tool between your two shoulders should already tell you that the VP will be a man, but all the outlets ran with the story anyway....why you ask?

Because until he actually names a VP candidate, there's really nothing else to report. Newsholes still need to be filled though, so here we are.

I already know its hypocritcal to report about reports about nothing, but I actually have a reason to do it...I'd rather be watching The Redeem Team.

Breaking News: Lebron James will dunk a basketball in the next game.

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