Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bush is "concerned" and "working" on fixing economic collapse

Remember me?

While both presidential candidates have spent the week addressing the market dive and the bailouts of AIG and Lehman Bros., George W Bush has been noticeably absent. Chris Matthews even compared it to Bush's handling of Katrina. Well, he finally spoke on the economy earlier this morning, and it was everything you'd expect. Short, uninformative and pandering.

After courageously canceling fundraiser appearances to address the nation outside the White House, Bush said that he was "concerned" and told the gathered group of reporters that "the American people can be sure we will continue to act to strengthen and stabilize our financial markets and improve investor confidence."

He failed to give anything resembling a specific plan, then walked away as a sexist elitist reporter asked Bush if he thought the economy was sound. I know he's a lame duck president nobody thinks about anymore, but isn't he at least going to try and salvage his legacy?

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