Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New ad from John McCain proving Obama hates women and/or pigs

Here's a new ad from the McCain campaign, just released today.

OMG he called her a pig. Why would you call this beautiful Alaskan snowprincess a pig? What did she ever do to you, you elitist secret Muslim commie?

Here's the Obama quote with a little more context, from an Obama campaign stop in TERRORIST STRONGHOLD Lebanon (Virginia.)

Tough to say if this will have a big impact on Obama. The last time McCain came out with "the big guns" for an ad, it was the Tony Rezko spot. Remember that? Of course not, because it was forgotten about almost instantly. But media superstar Sarah Palin changes everything.

I wonder if Obama will accuse McCain of playing the sex card from the bottom of the deck.

And courtesy of Wonkette here is proof that John McCain also hates Sarah Palin.

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