Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Your guide to the Great Minnesota Recount of 08

The loser will be drowned in this, as is custom around here

Well, it's official. Today the Minnesota Senate recount has officially begun. Now Minnesota will be in the news for things other than lutefisk and terrible sports teams. But if you live somewhere else, you might not know what the heck is going on in that crazy chunk of ice that people somehow manage to live on. So here's your guide to the recount that's just like Florida in 2000, only not really.

Who are these people?
Norm Coleman, the Republican senator, and his challenger Al Franken, the star of the underrated show Lateline. Coleman won by 215 votes, which is close enough to trigger a state recount.

Who else?
There's Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who got in some hot water for this Hannity & Colmes appearance, in which he recycled an already-debunked talking point about missing ballots lost in someone's car. Then there's Mark Ritchie, who is our Katherine Harris, only in a shocking Coen brothers twist, he is actually a Democrat, and a man. He is a radical Muslim Acorn, like our new president, because he was at the Democratic National Convention, probably sitting next to Bill Ayers.

Why should anyone care?
It changes the makeup of the senate and gets the democrats closer to 60 seats if Franken wins. For Minnesotans, it means the beginning of the end of the most expensive and bitter senate campaign in state history, guaranteed to leave half the state angry with whoever wins. Also, Saturday Night Live trumps In Loving Color in something.

What are they looking for?
Voting irregularities. When the votes were originally scanned, it only counted votes where someone had correctly filled in the circle next to a candidate's name. Now, with a hand recount, they will count any mark on the ballot that signifies who someone would ovte for, including circling the candidate's name, putting a check by the candidate's name, or writing the candidate's name on your ballot in your own drool. This is expected to help Franken.

How long will this take?

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