Pictured: Michele Bachmann, with some Turner fellow
Remember Real America's very own Michele Bachmann? She's the Congresswoman from Minnesota's 6th District, which is a oasis of horror in an otherwise tolerable at times state. Around election time, she said she was going to personally find every anti-American in Congress (hint: it's the Democrats) and personally crucify them, so their souls will be saved. Anyway, now she's back kicking the troof to the yoof. Here are some gems from a recent talk-radio appearance.
- ACORN, the radical squirrelfucking vote fraud machine that Barack Obama founded soon after he was born in Kenya, is being given $5 billion from the stimulus package by that guy, the President, even though they're under federal indictment (except they're not and they're . . . not.)
- President Obama has a grand scheme to redistrict the entire country with the census, leaving Democrats in power for "40 years." Aside from the fact that redistricting is done at the state level, not the federal level, cmon. These are the Democrats we're talking about. This si the same party that had a seemingly permanent majority after the 1964 elections and wound up giving away the country for the better part of 4 decades immediately following. Step your conspiracy game up, Michele.
- Apparently we're running out of rich people. Not sure how she even noticed; the rich people in her district consist of the warden at Stillwater and the one successful guy who graduated from St. Cloud State (if there is one.)
- "We are LITERALLY losing our country." She said this. God I hate people who don't know what literally means but say it anyway. It figureatively makes me want to jump off a bridge.
- Also, the stimulus will destroy medicine. That's right, liberal secular humanist Michele Bachmann has to rely on human beings and their "science" everytime she gets sick, instead of praying to Baby Jesus to drive the Flu Demons from her insides like a Real American. Sellout.
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