"It's been a long time, I shouldn'ta left you/without a strong rhyme to step to..." (c) Rakim
Me and Ty have been on a hiatus for a little while since life has been kicking our respective asses, but in the words of Ice Cube, once again its on.
This weekend, I watched an articulate man talk about the state of the GOP on DL Hughley Breaks the News. He didn't shout, he didn't bash Obama and he talked about plans to get the GOP back to the basics that resonated with him as a youth.
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele even had the heart to call Rush Limbaugh an entertainer (which he is), his show incindiary (which it is) and proclaim that he is not the leader of the Republican Party (which he's not?).
Then he apologized to Rush for it.
*pauses for logic to set in*
Yes, the leader of the RNC apologized to a talk show host who's never held any type of public office for calling him a...talk show host.
Cube, take it away:
As soon as I had a shred of hope for the GOP, they cut the rope.
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