Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Everybody Hates Tucker

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds is probably looking forward to November 5 even more than most. It seems like anytime the media wants answers from the McCain camp, Ol' Tuck trots out to the cable news stations (via satellite of course) and tries his darndest to spin like any good campaign flack. Unfortunately, for whatever reason the media seems to insist on actually, you know, questioning him and not letting him off the hook with standard talking points.

It all started on the opening day of the Republican National Convention when CNN's Campbell Brown grilled Bounds on the question of Sarah Palin's foreign policy experience.

The Republicans were so upset at Brown acting like an actual journalist that McCain canceled a planned appearance on Larry King. But yesterday, Bounds was again asked actual questions by the other two cable news networks (yes, even Fox News!) Prepare to be astounded as Fox's Megyn Kelly attempts to hold him accountable for the McCain campaign's recent attack ads.

"Independent analysts?" You mean besides Oliver North? Where did that come from? But to complete the hat trick of awkward plea copping, Bounds appeared on MSNBC and Norah O'Donnell started asking even more questions about the accusations of negative ads until some well-timed technical difficulties save him from more embarrassment.

So what's the deal? Is he just the worst spinmaster ever? Did Campbell Brown manage to cut him a little, thus sending other sharks to Tucker's flailing and drowning body? Sexist female reporters taking it out on a poor helpless male? The fact that everyone, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or gender just wants to hate someone named "Tucker?"

Tucker Bounds: Officially having a worse September than Vikings fans.

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