Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain calls timeout

Pictured: John McCain

John McCain has suspended his campaign and asked to delay the first debate. This is ostensibly so he can go back to Washington and singlehandedly figure out the bailout package. Barack Obama politely told the congress(man) thanks but no thanks and that he was going to go to Washington to vote on the bailout, then take an aeroplane to Mississippi and start debating.

The move comes at a time when McCain's poll numbers are looking not good and is certainly a curious one. George W Bush and Al Gore debated in 2000 five days after Osama bin Laden attacked the USS Cole and Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan debated throughout the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1980. Is our economy really worse than either of those tragedies? And why can't the candidates vote in Washington during the day and fly to Oxford to spend 90 minutes explaining to the American people why they deserve their vote?

A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow between President Bush, Obama, McCain, and congressional leaders from both parties to hammer out an agreement for the bailout. My guess is this all gets worked out late tomorrow night and McCain shows up at the campus of Ole Miss on Friday.

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