Another week, another debate, another slight maybe win for the Democrats. People asked questions, absolutely no surprising answers were given, Tom Brokaw kept yelling at the candidates to stop ignoring the rules only they totally still did and CNN's "Republican Strategist" Alex Castellanos gave more points than any other judge and declared Obama his winner.
If a debate where McCain promised to "take the gloves off" that featured questions the candidates had no idea were coming couldn't produce some fireworks, what will? For all the talk about how many people would tune in for this year's debates, how many have had their beliefs swayed one way or the other?
All of this stagnation is helping OBama, because the default focus is on the economy, which plays to his strengths. Without some kind of large distraction, the economy is going to remain the biggest issue on November 4. If McCain wants to change people's minds he needs something big, effective, and not a cheap stunt.
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