Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Scramble to Ride Shotgun

Who's good enough to be Second Best?

The campaign train rolls into the campus of Washington University in St. Louis tomorrow with the long-awaited VP debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.

Gwen Ifill of PBS will ask the candidates questions pertaining to foreign and domestic issues over the 90-minute debate to see who is worthy of being the person we won't care about in a few months.

Questions are aplenty leading up to this square-off:

~Will Biden have to be gagged in order to stop him from contradicting Obama's campaign?

~Will the Republicans trot Sarah Palin out in a teacher outfit complete with a ruler and textbooks to distract the audience?

~Can Palin answer any question with a straight answer?

~Can Biden restrain himself from answering any question with a straight answer?

~Will either candidate know who shot JR?

You can count me tuned in.

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