With just 8 days left until the election, one side is going for the jugular while the other side is just trying to keep it close.
Barack Obama plans to campaign in Ohio and Pennsylvania this week to make what his people are calling his "closing argument." Obama is currently ahead on virtually all the major polls, with a four percent lead in the Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll, and an eight percent lead on the CNN poll.
Sometimes polls can be false indicators of how a vote will play out, but when they all say the same thing, the outcome is pretty certain.
For all the mudslinging and diversionalry tactics of the Republican Party, John McCain is just trying not to get blown out at this point.
Personally, I feel sorry for the man...he spent the past decade or so riding for what he thought was right, angering his party and making enemies with almost every conservative from Maine to the Valley in Cali, only to lose because he tried to play the game.
In actuality, he might have had a shot if he had just stayed true to himself.
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