Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Only one debate left

McCain (right) questions Obama's (left) stance on flaming skull projectiles

Wednesday will give us the third (fourth if you count the VP debate, which no one does) and final presidential debate of this election. The last debate was completely forgettable except for John McCain calling Barack Obama "that one" and not shaking Obama's hand, because he forgot his gloves or something. What will we see in this final debate, live from Strong Island?

  • McCain will maybe bring up Bill Ayers in a debate. Or he won't. But if he does, it's only because Obama made him do it.
  • Most of the talk will be on the economy, because that's the scheduled topic (technically it's the economy and domestic policy.) Even though almost all of the second debate was about the economy and the first third or so of the "foreign policy debate" was as well. Expect no new questions asked by moderator Bob Schieffer.
  • Speaking of Schieffer, if the candidates deviate from the rules a little bit, don't make a big deal of it. Tom Brokaw did that at the last one, and nobody will probably ever invite him to a debate, debate party or over to their house to watch The Great Debaters ever again.
  • With the polls looking favorable for Obama, don't expect him to deviate much from the same points he has been making since our economy first died. At this point, he just needs to grind out the clock and wait until November 4. Expect him to, at some point towards the end of the debate, take a knee and trot off the stage.
  • Finally, expect the polls to call it "mostly a draw, which benefits Obama."

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